Sunday, January 31, 2010

Battle Wand Created for the Dwarves of Norway

Known for their unique skill in metallurgy, this wand was once used to guard the caves in Nioavellir, (Dark Fields).  The tip of this wand is made from the poisonous spine of a golden bull nose dragon.  This ancient wand is one of the oldest in the Daxton MacTavish collection and was recently on loan to the "International Museum of Magical Relics".

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Believe in the Power of Magic" and "We Make Magic Happen Everday"

Here's a look at two of our newest products recently posted on our Zazzle site.  These new designs appear on wand tote bags, t-shirts, buttons and coffee mugs.  For a complete look at ALL of the Daxton MacTavish line of products click on the link to our Zazzle store on the right hand side of this page.

In Celebration of our 251st Anniversay We Take a Glimpse into our Past

To celebrate our 251st Anniversary we thought it would be nice to look back at our past.  We dug up one of our old wand box labels we found in our attic and in February we will feature the "vintage" look as the header for our blog.  Let us know what you think.  We might even put it on few t-shirts or mugs.  (Click on the photo below to see a full-size version.)